CoreoideaSF Team
The Natural History Museum, London
David C. Eades, Principal Database Developer,
Illinois Natural History Survey
Gonocerus acuteangulatus
2023/08/14: Welcome!
This is an archived version of the website and database Coreoidea Species File Online. It contains data published/gathered prior to 14 August 2023 and is no longer updated.
If you have reached this website from the link on TaxonPages because you want to surf on the website that you are accustomed to, please stay and enjoy!
If you have hit this page through a random internet search, we would like to redirect you to the current up-to-date website:
http://coreoidea.speciesfile.org. Thank you! CoreoideaSF Team, Author of Coreoidea Species File Online
The Coreoidea Species File database contains taxonomic and other information about all the leatherbugs of the world. Presently, most names are included. A companion catalogue of the World Coreidae and Alydidae with all fossil taxa and more complete bibliographic references has been submitted to Zootaxa for publication.
To see information contained in the database, use the links across the top of the
page. Click on
Search to find a specific taxon or other kinds of information. Clicking
on Taxa will make the
superfamily Coreoidea your current taxon unless you have previously moved to a different
taxon in this session.
This website and database use Species File Software. Information about the
design and use of SFS may be found on a separate website.
Other Places to Start
Please send comments and questions about the database and its development to Mick
(send mail). When referencing this website, please use the following
format: CoreoideaSF Team. Coreoidea Species File
Online. Version
5.0/5.0. [retrieval date]. <http://Coreoidea.SpeciesFile.org>.
Use http://Coreoidea.SpeciesFile.org
to bookmark this website.